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Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Sovereignty to Sovirginity

This is my first time joining in MUN (Model  United Nation). Starting from my friend who join in HMUN (Harvard Model United Nation) I know what kind of competition is it. Then, someone asked me to register in JOINMUN (Jogja International MUN). First, I have no idea what to do, my educational background is pharmacy and I should compete with International Relation students and Law students. I thought that this idea to join JoinMUN was crazy for pharmacy student. But, because there were no other people in pharmacy who wants to join, so I registered this competition and never thought that I would be accepted! Honestly, I didn't accepted but I am on their waiting list and unpredictable, I was accepted!


As the first timer in MUN, the one and only one from pharmacy who's accepted, and being alone in Arab League Council. So, in JoinMUN there were 4 councils: Arab League, General Assembly, G-20 and Security Council. Other friends from Pancasila University were in GA Council. But, thanks God that we had time to prepare this competition. Pancasila University Delegation for JoinMUN was coached by Ari from 7th Floor Consulting. Glad to know him and coached by him. He is a best coach who's chosen by best EO (*lol) are Kak Dolla and Kak Ami. So, at least we have idea what to do in the conference.

coaching situation

Pancasila University Delegation
Pancasila University Delegation was collected from 4 biggest faculty, they are: Faculty of Economy (2), Faculty of Law (2), Faculty of Pharmacy (1) and Faculty of Psychology (1).
We are: Me, Betty Naema, Anggita MP, Anindita, Gita, and Basyir.

dinner at Inna Garuda Hotel, Jogjakarta
minus me but plus Aji, a student from University of Lampung (am I right, aji?)

Actually, there are 2 teams in UP: JoinMUN team and JMUN team, we wish that JMUN team will get award: Best Delegate, pleaseeeee :) hahaha

Chairs and Co-Chairs
In this JoinMUN the chairs are from other country and co-chair are from the committee (local chair).

chairs and co-chairs (minus Kak Dida) in JoinMUN 2012
Ka Fajri (SC co-chair, UGM), Yong (G20 chair, USA), Kurt (GA chair, NUS), Hitesh (SC chair, Univ.of Sidney), Kak Gading (GA co-chair, UGM), Ahmed (AL chair, MIT USA), Kak Eldo (G20 co-chair, UGM)

All of the chairs are very humble and a little bit crazy. We can start from Ahmed, 2 days conference using a shirt and short. ckckck. Also Yong, in the middle of conference he played "Suju" Song (Sorry-sorry) Hahaha. the social night, Yong and Ahmed sang a song but even Ahmed couln't remember the lyrics. lol. Last, in closing ceremony, Hitesh and Yong were shuffling. Ha-ha-ha. I think there are many funny and crazy things they did but I don't know all. They are my chairs and now being my friends :) It's really nice to know them.

Arab League Council
Arab League was chaired and co-chaired by Ahmed and Kak Dida. This committee consists of 21 countries, but in this JoinMUN there were only 17 countries. As a fresh delegate, from waiting list, in a small committee make me being streessed out :( ha-ha-ha. First, I could enjoy the conference but in the next sessions, I couldn't understand anything about law, law and law (remember that I am a pharmacy student). But, this small committee really nice. We could sosialized better than other councils (maybe).
Here we are:

before Ahmed come back to USA

 after closing ceremony

armed observer alliance

raise your placards, delegates! :)

speech in MUN is important to give your description and opinion.

my placard and id card

And I forget to tell you that in this committe I represent Saudi Arabia as my country. The biggest country but I did nothing in this conference :( really upset but I think I must (and will be) better in the next MUN.

Notice that in Arab League there were many fun facts, I'll tell you shortly
1. Mispronounced 'Sovereignty' to 'Sovirginity'
2. Mispronounced 'Arab League' to 'Arab Liga'
3. speech: and...apa...and...blah!
4. speech: We all go back to the stone age.
5. Armed observer and unarmed observer
6. Strict deadline or flexible deadline
7. Ahmed using shirt and short for 2 days conference
8. Debate and lobbying by Sudan, Qatar and Tunisia
9. Time of conference was adding as punishment because many delegate complained and need a break.
10. Too many unmoderate caucus. ha-ha-ha
11. Sudan-an uncaptureable person. ha-ha-ha
12. ................. (fill the blank with your own answer, guys) :)

The most important thing is I won't ever forget Arab League Committee. *uhh, that sounds sweet.

Closing Ceremony, Announcement
Finally, one of UP delegation win the Best Position Paper in Arab League Committee. Yeay* And the winner is Basyir (Faculty of Psychology, 2010) in General Assembly council. :) Congratulations Bayir :)

Basyir as the Best Position Paper in GA, sertificate was given by Gading as the co-chair of GA

And.....for Arab League Council, the winner areeee:

Pina as Qatar (UGM University) win the Best Position Paper, M. Ibnu as Tunisia (University of Indonesia) win The Outstanding Delegate and M. Dimas as Sudan (Parahyangan University) win the Best Delegate.

Congratulations for all the winner, see you soon guys :) I'll miss this moment.

Thanks to:
(sorry for random greetings)

- Jesus Christ
- Honorable parents and uncle :)
- Derry, the one who asked me to join this competition
- Ka Dolla and Ka Ami, they are the best EO for us
- Ka Ari, he is the best coach ever :p
- Bu Nani (Ka. Bahasa Pancasila University)
- Pak Eddie, Rektor Univ. Pancasila
- LIA UP especially Mr. Fitrah
- Bang Alle, Grace, Kak Bayu, Tesa and Michelle for their kindly help
- Also UP delegation : Betty, Aya, Ka Gita, Kak Dita, and Basyir
- All JoinMUN Committee  ( chairs, co-chairs, pages, crews)
- And others who's not mentioned in this greetings.
Overall thanks for everything....

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