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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Easy Chemistry

Easy Chemistry

Our daily life is related to chemistry. Soap, shampoo, plastic, teflon and so on are dealt with chemistry. Chemistry is also found at school as a subject. For a lot of students, chemistry is one of the terrible subjects. They consider chemistry difficult to learn. So, what should we do to make learning chemistry becomes easier? According to my experiences, learning chemistry is easy by using diplay tools, playing with words and practicing.

First, to make chemistry become fun is by playing with words. Playing with words helps us to learn the basic elements and memorize them. Playing with words can be used to memorize the periodic table of the elements, diagram, volta list, etc. For example, we want to memorize the 7th group of periodic table. The 7th group consists of F, Cl, Br, I and At. The easiest way to memorize them is by making a sentence. We can make a funny sentence from this group like Feri Clana Biru Idih Amit-amit. It's easy right? Explore your creativity to make a simple sentence. You can also make a joke or anything else. But you must remember that when playing with words we have to make an easy sentence to remember. By playing with words we have flexible time to study them because we can study everywhere, everytime. We will be a more creative person and easy to remember the subjects because this way is so simple.

Second, chemistry will be easier by using display tools. The purpose of using display tools is to help us in understanding the subjects. We can use display tools to study periodic table, hybridization, acid and base, etc. Display tools are not only expensive things but also simple things. For example, we can use ballpoint or ballon to subtitute molymod and so on. Molymod is used to explain hybridization. To use molymod, we have to buy it. It means we have to spend our money. Besides that, to find molymod is difficult enough. We can change molymod by ballpoint or ballons. Ballpoints and ballons are simple things and easy to find around us. Second example, my school has a special room for studying chemistry. We call it Chemistry Clinic. There, we have a lot of display tools and the room is arranged to study in groups. There will be doctors who will help students who have problems about chemistry. We can get a lot of advantages by using display tools. We will understand the subjects more because display tools provide us the real imagination. So, we don’t have to work hard to imaginate it. We will remember the subjects easily. But to use display tools, we have to master the basic theory first to minimize the mistakes.

Last, learning chemistry is easy by practicing it. Chemistry is identic with practicing in laboratory and often doing some tasks. Almost all subjects can be learnt in laboratory. Some students may think that laboratory working is difficult but actually it’s easy and fun. Of course, we must give attention to some important things. Laboratory working has some rules which we have to obey like using laboratory uniform, being carefull in using the properties, and obeying health safety rules. As a scientist, we must have scientist's behaviour such as objective, carefull, curious, optimist, etc. Practicing is not only in laboratory but we can do it in other places. Wherever we are practicing, it has a lot of advantages for us. We will be easier mastering the subjects because we learn it directly and try to apply it. But, to do some complex exercise we have to know the basic materials.

So, what do you think about chemistry? it is easy when you play with words to study the simple subjects, use display tools for more difficult subjects and practice for the most difficult subjects, isn't it? If you still think that learning chemistry is difficult and your chemistry is poor, improve it as soon as possible. You can try the three ways above.
